Texas Roadhouse flyer for HCLC Dine In 2/28/2017

Please join us on Fat Tuesday, February 28th from 4 to 10 pm at Texas Roadhouse (by the mall) for a night of fun, fellowship, and fundraising.  We will earn 10% from all people who turn in a dine-in flyer at the event (attached).  Those proceeds will benefit the Youth Mission Trip.  The youth will also have a donation table at the event to earn money for their mission trip this summer.  Be sure to wear you Halfway Creek apparel to the event also to reach out to share Christ with all.

You can also purchase Texas Roadhouse gift cards on Sunday, February 26th and the youth will earn an additional 10% from the gift card sales.

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PATH TO REFORMATION: Journey to Germany this coming June

Path To Reformation - Germany Tour Flyer Cover

Many of you have heard of PATH TO REFORMATION, the pilgrimage journey to Germany this coming June. Our La Crosse Synod ELCA has designed this custom journey for you to the places of Martin Luther’s birth and death, the churches he preached in, the places of his calling and teaching and writing. You’ll learn more about his spiritual awakening, and perhaps experience one of your own. Maybe you’re thinking, ‘I’ve already been to Germany.’ Or maybe you’re thinking you could go on your own next year, or the year after. But on this journey, you’ll get into places that aren’t always open to the general public and cookie cutter tours and see special exhibits and exhibitions that will only be available and happening this year. It’s almost ironic. This invitation reminds me of a recent Gospel lesson, where Jesus invites Simon Peter and Andrew, and James and John to follow him on a special journey. They did, and they were forever changed. Bishop Arends invites you to take this very special opportunity to travel with a theologian and a community of like believers to places important to your beliefs and faith and also come back inspired and changed in some way. Registration closes March 1, so don’t wait too long to drop whatever you’re doing and go. Full color brochures with all the necessary information are available on synod web page .

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Soup in a bowl

Holmen’s Hope is undertaking another task and hoping our congregation can help.  As we know many children in our community are on free and reduced lunches in our local schools. We believe some of these children may go hungry on the weekends when meals are unavailable.

Holmen’s Hope has started a Friday back pack program where they fill backpacks with non-perishable or microwaveable meals/snacks the children can take home. The children return the backpacks on Monday and Holmen’s Hope refills them weekly.

The school principals and guidance counselors have been the ones selecting the students/families they feel have the most need.

We will be collecting microwavable soups through Sunday, February 12th to present to Holmen’s Hope as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring Program.

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Ship at Sea - Horizon

Do you feel God is calling you to leadership within the church?  Would you like to serve as a board officer or do you know someone who would do a great job?  Vision Board is looking for candidates beginning February 2017.  Vision Board members are responsible for overseeing the work of church.  Vision board meets monthly and also has occasional special meetings.  As church leadership, Vision Board members are also expected to worship regularly and participate in the life of the congregation. We will be using a special nomination process this year. There will be more information in the January newsletter.

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Lutheran 101 2016

Looking ahead to the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in 2017, this series is being offered to help explore basic parts of Lutheran history and theology that continue to shape and inform what it means to be a living Lutheran today! Want to know what it means to be Lutheran, want more depth into Lutheranism? See the LUTHERAN 101 FLYER and sign up for any or all 7 events through May 2017 by contacting the synod office. There is no fee for these events. Next 2 sessions: 

  • –Jan. 14 – Session #4: LIVING SACRAMENTS, presenter Pr. Kris Fahey 

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This exciting new synod program is kicking off in January 2017! Planned for lay people who want a little more; who want to dig a little deeper into various areas of what it means to be Lutheran — our Lutheran heritage, theology, leadership, worship and spiritual practices. Find out more with School of Theology brochure and the School of Theology web page . The web page will offer 2 ways to register for classes – via paper form or online.

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People Holding Hands

Don’t miss out on this impactful training in faith based community organizing.  Go home equipped with specific leadership skills to address the justice and peace concerns of your community.  $30/person includes registration, 2 meals, and coffee.


January 15 (3-8 pm) and January 16 (9 am to 5 pm) at English Lutheran, LaCrosse

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Attention all pizza lovers! Our youth group is busy preparing for this summer’s youth faith exploration trip to Lakeside, Montana. We are selling homemade pizzas from now until January 22nd, just in time for the Super Bowl!  If you would like to place in an order, please contact one of our youth members.  There are also order forms available in the January Currents Newsletter, at each service and in the office for those interested in ordering a delicious pizza. Pizza delivery will be the week of January 29th.

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Salvation Army Bell Ringers


Halfway Creek Lutheran Church will be bell ringing for the Salvation Army the week of November 28th!  All shifts are two hours at Festival Foods in Holmen.   There is a minimum of two people required for each shift.  Families are encouraged to sign up together.

Week of November 28th

  • Monday thru Friday, 11 am to 7 pm
  • Saturday 9 am to 7 pm

Sign Up Here

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On Sept. 21-22 Sugar Creek experienced significant flooding throughout the camp. Damage occurred to fencing, roads; round bales, trees and debris spread throughout the camp; destruction of cement floor in the shop; water damage in some camp residences. The damage estimate from this flooding is between $20,000 and $22,000 at this time.

Sugar Creek is asking for special donations to help pay for these repairs so they do not need to add to their debt. If your congregation or members can help, please contact Don or Sheila at the camp: 608-734-3113 / camp@sgrcreek.org / don@sgrcreek.org

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